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About AudioBazooka

We are building the world's largest database of audio plugins to help musicians and audio engineers make beautiful music.

Can I unsubscribe?
Yes, you can easily unsubscribe at anytime. All of your data will be deleted.

What do you do with my email address?
We use Substack for newsletters. Upon unsubscription, your email will be deleted from their system. We do not store or distribute your email address elsewhere.

How do you make money?
Some links on our site are affiliate links, which means we may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Your support helps us maintain the website.

What data about me are you tracking?
We use Substack to send newsletters, so you are only tracked to the extent that Substack tracks you. As of today, Substack tracks email opens and clicks.

On AudioBazooka.com we use plausible.io to track how many people visit the website, which is a privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternative.

Who runs AudioBazooka?
Me 👋, Jonas Richner from Switzerland. I've been playing the piano since almost 20 years and synths for 10.